World Most Peaceful Painting
World Most Peaceful Painting
Welcome to my forth Blog, I am Sushant Pimple , India raised, Europe Base, IT Consultant, Sales Consultant, Immigration Consultant, Blogger, Motivational Speaker, Leadership consultant, Business Coach.
I dream in life is to Guide people as much I can & help them to grow in Corporate Leadership & Entrepreneurship.
Today's my topic is "what is real meaning of Peace".
Once upon a time, a very big art gallery declare contest & in that
they announced any painter who can show in his painting the real inner peace will get prize money of 10 million dollars.
This news got spread like anything across globe among painters & thousand
of painters sent their own best painting. Out of thousand painting, Contest judges
selected few best painting & kept in exhibition. All Media & thousands
of people gathered along with the painters, who will win and who will not get
such big prize money. Finally that day arrived where some painting where there
was the most crowds,
It means all were such beautiful painting by looking at them your mind will become peaceful, so this way contest was very tough for judges to shortlist the best painting that was very difficult for them but that moment came where judges has made their mind & they select one painting & kept behind the curtain. All the painters, media person were sitting in front of that painting & were waiting to get removed curtain from paining.Everybody curiosity was increasing because amount was huge, as soon as they saw the curtain removed, everyone was surprised, no one was understanding anything. Everybody was looking each other & nobody understood what is happening because that painting was not representing any kind of peace. So everybody thought art gallery judges did some mistake & mistakenly they kept some wrong painting. So all painters went together to meet Art gallery & asked that there is a mistake somewhere, by mistake, some wrong painting you kept there? Art gallery guy smiled after listening to them & answered that this painting is correct. & judges selected this painting only & this painting only today’s winner. After listening this all painters got angry & left from there immediately. As soon as media came to know they went to Art gallery guy & asked the reason behind painter left in anger. Art gallery guy said to media that once before saying anything to me Look carefully at this painting,
I wish to thank all of you very much for your valuable time.
Thank you very much
Sushant Pimple
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