Convert Passion into Profitable Professional Business.
Convert Passion into Profitable Professional Business.
In this Blog, Mr.Sushant Pimple illustrates
how a fiery passion within a human being can help him build a successful career
and profession out of his/her passion. He further indicates that a career and
profession born out of passion is always better than a career chosen otherwise.
He lists examples of at least 5 achievers who made their passion turn into
multibillion dollar enterprises. Read this Blog till the end to make the most
of their passionate lives.
If you want to know how to build a career then read this Blog. 2.
If you want to know how to make your passion into a career then read
this Blog. 3. If you want to know how famous people turned their passion
into profession then read this Blog. 5. If you want to know how famous
people turned their passion into career then read this Blog. 5. If you want
to know how to generate regular income from your passion then read this
Blog. 6. If you want to know more about entrepreneurial ideas from your
passion then read this Blog. 7. For motivation to earn from your passion
read this Blog. 8. For startup ideas with your passion read this Blog.
If you want to know how to incur regular profits from your passion then
read this Blog. 10. If you want to make your business scalable with your
passion then read this Blog. 11. If you want to expand your business
with your passion then read this Blog. 17. If you want to know how to
generate regular income with less effort with your passion read Blog.
If you want to know how to identify a recurring revenue model using your
passion read this Blog.
Welcome to my first Blog, I am Sushant Pimple , India raised, Europe Base, IT Consultant, Sales Consultant, Immigration Consultant, Motivational Speaker, Leadership consultant, Business Coach.
I dream in life is to Guide people as much I can & help them to grow in Corporate Leadership & Entrepreneurship.
my topic is "Passion to Profitable Business"
Passion-------- Profitable Business
Today i spoke to students & asked them what is the biggest problem in their life & answered was " LACK OF CLARITY".
Lack of Clarity on following things.
1) Where do we Go?
2) What work we should
3) Which Career should
we Choose?
4) Which business should we start?
My answer is very straight
& simple, as your every Hobby can be your Profession. Your every strength
can be your profession, but question is “what do you want to do”?
ASK YOURSELF----------------What
is your Passion?
Passion is the
thing which you are ready to do in any case, doesn’t matter even if you don’t
get salary. Doesn’t matter even if you don’t have energy. Doesn’t matter how
much you are feeling sleepy. Doesn’t matter even if its day off or Sunday.
Imagine, if you are
ready to do without money then think what you will do if you start getting money,
respect in society then I believe you can do anything to execute that passion.
Big growth is
hidden in your passion, but next point is not just to find passion but to give right
direction to your Passion.
---------------Shape OR Right Direction
Only passion will
not make you successful, give proper shape or right direction to your passion. Make
passion to problem solving purpose.
Do you solve any society problem from your passion?
Do you solve any market problem?
Do you solve any
big gap of market problem?
Find out profitable
business by solving market problem. Remember, Hobby does not work for long run,
hobby is good in childhood days. If you want to go for life long, then you need
find out your hobby or passion into profitable business.
Step 3: Profitable
Case Study:
1) Facebook –Mark Zuckerberg
He has begun using computers &
writing software in middle school.
He built music player called synapse
Media Player
People were getting disconnected, he
created Facebook & connected people. He solve market problem.
2) Microsoft – Bill Gates
His Passion: Coding, Programming
& Technology
Market Problem Solved: By creating Windows made profitable business.
3) Yellow Chillies ---Sanjeev
Kumar the Chef
His passion: Cooking
Market Problem Solved: By teaching cooking on Television
I hope you
understood by reading my above blog, following are the 3 steps:
1) What is your Passion?
2) What Problem can
your Passion solved?
3) Make Plan of Action to make profitable Business.
If you still not having
clarity, then please contact me & I can
provide you personal guidance.
Thank You.
Sushant Pimple
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